© Copyright 2008-2010  Piedrafina  All Rights Reserved.
Piedrafina Surfaces was brought about by a demand from consumers for a product that had adapted to their marketplace. There was a desire to have a stronger color selection and a size that was more conducive to the applications they were confronted with. We took the time to listen and introduced a product that would not only meet our clients needs but would surpass their expectations.

Logistically we took on the challenge of meeting the delivery schedules that our clients would expect. This task was accomplished through partnerships as well as expertise in dissecting the regions to make certain we could extend ourselves and provide the service that our clients deserved. We worked carefully with our clients to understand their workflows. We made certain to offer the best solutions for assuring that Piedrafina would be an asset in our customers meeting their goals and objectives.

Building our team here at Piedrafina was always an important component when establishing our company. We believed in understanding our customer's problems to better assist in finding the solution. We brought in and worked with industry professionals to understand the diverse range of application that Piedrafina would be utilized in. Whether you are working on a large commercial specification or serving customers at the retail level our professionals will be here to assist you.